North Korea has reportedly fired two missiles from a submarine off the country’s east coast, according to the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). The report states that the missiles flew around 450 kilometers before crashing into the sea. This event is noteworthy for a few reasons, as it is an indication that North Korea may be making progress in its military development program, as well as an indication of their intentions towards other countries. Let’s take a closer look at what this means for international relations.

North Korean Missile Program
The test-firing of two ballistic missiles from a submarine shows that North Korea is continuing to make advancements in its weapons program. Experts believe that the test was meant to show both the outside world and citizens of North Korea itself that the country is capable of developing sophisticated weapons technology. It also serves as a reminder to other countries—especially South Korea and Japan—that North Korea has access to powerful weaponry and is not afraid to use it if necessary.

International Response
The international community has responded with concern over North Korea’s latest missile tests. The United States has strongly condemned the action and called on North Korea to refrain from further testing until they reach an agreement with South Korea, Japan, and other countries in their region. Japan especially is concerned about these tests, as they are within range of some of their cities and puts them at risk for potential attacks. South Korea has also expressed worries regarding this matter, but they remain hopeful that diplomatic efforts can help resolve tensions between them and their northern neighbor.

North Korean missile tests are always cause for alarm in international circles due to their unpredictable nature and potential threat posed by advances made in their weapons program. With this recent test launch, it appears that North Korea does indeed have access to sophisticated technology which could potentially be used against other nations in the region or beyond. It remains to be seen how this will affect diplomatic efforts between countries like South Korea, Japan, and China among others who have interests in the region but hopefully a peaceful resolution can be reached soon between all parties involved. For now, all we can do is watch closely how these events unfold and hope for peace instead of conflict going forward.