Scams are everywhere online, including gardening. There are plant scams, seed scams, fake seeds, and fake plants. Knowing the difference between reality and a scam can be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you avoid the scams and have a successful garden.

If it seems to good to be true, then it is probably a scam. Fast growing tree scams promise a beautiful tree in less time. But the fact is that those trees are usually invasive species that can have a detrimental impact on the local ecosystem.

Colors can easily be manipulated in Photoshop. Blue strawberry seed scam, purple watermelon seed scam, pink congo philodendron scam, philodendron pink princess scam and on and on. There is no end to the scams provided using Photoshopped images.

There are seeds available to do what some scams claim, but require gardening techniques to make them reality. Anyhow, the seeds make no difference. Some of these scams are square watermelon, star shaped cucumbers, and heart shape strawberries.

And where do most of these scams originate? China

Avoid Gardening Scams with these Trusted UK Retailers

Avoid Gardening Scams with these Trusted US Retailers